Make Memories With Us
Manipulate and edit film pieces in a way that is invisible to the audience
CastlenNest is a digital cinema company based in Pune,. we has been serving all feature film services, commercial & corporate advertising, corporate films, training films, since 2013. castlennest is a production company with a core team of directors, filmmakers, concept artists, graphic designers, developers, engineers, vfx specialists, 3D artists and animators. Whether you’re producing for film or video, long or short we will give your pictures a look you’ll love. Our facilities and creative artists are second to none, including 4K HDR workflow and Dolby Atmos Home Theatre sound mixing. We’re experts in using video content to position and promote brands, drive sales and generate leads, increase online engagement and train and motivate corporate staff. We work internationally for both small and large companies, advertising & PR agencies and marketing partners that want to tell their story, build their tribe and grow their business. We have multiple Avid suites, four VO Recording, ADR and Mixing suites, three Sound Design rooms, a Foley stage, two state of the art Dolby Atmos 7.1.4 Mixing Theatres and three Base light colour grading suites, including our 4K Base light Theatre.